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Journal Plus

Journaling is great, for some it's hard to stick with.
Let Journal Plus help. With reminders, prompts, quick inputs, add as much or as little as you'd like in the moment. Track your progress, earn badges for feelings of accomplishment and more.


Helping you to create, complete, and feel great about your Theme


Know how you're doing at a glance. Not every day can be 100%, we just want to improve day or day, week over week

Check it Off

That great feeling of marking a daily theme off with just a tap.

Distraction Free

Daily journaling is a fantastic outlet. Write as much, or as little as you want. Topic prompts or set your own daily word count, customize it to fit you.

Getting Started

Getting started is quick and simple. Create your new Theme, ideal outcomes, and daily items to keep you thoughtful of where you're trying to be

creating a theme form

New Themes

Guiding you through the process of creating a new theme, adding ideal outcomes using words, images, or a short video to keep you inspired

Daily Themes


Daily checklists are general reminders to mark off at the of each day, or as you go. General trends are and progress are shown on your dashboard so you know if you're doing better, or need a little nudge.

Keep Me Up To Date

We're working hard to bring the best digital journaling experience to you as we can. We'll let you know as soon as we've got something great to share

© JournalPlus. All rights reserved.


We're excited too. Stay tuned!